A Gorilla Walks Into A Bar

A gorilla walks into a bar

The gorilla walks past the barkeeper and takes a seat.

The Barkeeper is confused and scared at the same time.

”A gorilla in my bar? Well thats not happening very often…” thinks the barkeeper and starts shaking

Then the gorilla stands up, goes to the bar and says

“I would like to have a beer please!”, turns around and goes back to his seat.

”Ok, what is going on here? What do I do? Stop overthinking Steve, instead act smart! Milk the moment! He won’t notice anyway!”

The barkeeper works up the courage to serve the beer and says

“That’ll be 20$ please!”

The gorilla takes out his purse and hands the barman a 20$ bill.

With a big smile over his face he goes back to his bar, but stops midway, turns around and says:

“Let me ask you one thing please, we dont have gorillas very often in here…”

The gorilla interrupts him half sentence and says

“At 20 dollars a beer, I can imagine that pretty well!”